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Upload your initial learning scenario blueprint here!

Please read the instructions for preparing the learning scenario. 

And use this blueprint document for your lesson plan!  

Please upload the google drive links with your initial blueprints to this task by March 1st!

In case of questions, find me at


Criteria for grading your learning scenario (based on the final outcome): 25p


  • Your learning scenario is based on (at least) 2 texts 4p – 2 points are awarded per text when your topics cover the main ideas of the text, 1 point, if the connection is less thorough)
  • You have sent your blueprint on time for feedback  2p – 2points are awarded when you are on time, 1 point is awarded when you are late by a day.
  • The lesson you have planned adds up to being 60-75 minutes long. 1p


Learning outcomes

  • You have determined 2-3 learning outcomes for your learning scenario 2p. (1 point is awarded when you have too many learning outcomes or possibly too few; or your learning outcomes do not cover the learning you have actually planned).
  • The learning outcomes are phrased S.M.A.R.(T.) 2p (The S.M.A.R condition each award a 0,5p across the learning outcomes, we’re not considering the T. condition, because it is already fulfilled by the being a learning outcome for one lesson /learnign scenario)


  • The intended learning outcomes are shared with the learners during the tune- in activities. 1p
  • Your learners evaluate the oucomes during tune-in activites (e.g. which is most interesting, which seems relevant, why are they important to achieve 1p
  • The tune-in activities are activating learners’ previous knowledge, motivation or interest towards the activities. 1p (It can be either by an interactive method or just posing questions; what matters that the tune-in part fulfills its intended role by activating previous knowledge connections and/or motivation for the learners).



  • In your learning part your learners are the active party – reading, finding answers, making connections, finding explanations, discussing (not you) 1p
  • Your learning activities are suitable for attaining the learning outcomes 2p (1p is awarded in case they are somewhat suitable).



  • Your reflection part gathers information about the achievement of all learning outcomes 2p (1p is awarded in case you gather information for some of the learning outcomes).
  • Your reflection part includes deliberation over the meaning and relevance of what was learned during the learning scenario 1p



  • You have prepared worksheets and/or materials for your learning scenario and have appended them to your blueprint 2p
  • All necessary materials are listed in your blueprint plan 1p


Post-lesson task

  • You have designed a short written task  that will be posted in eDidaktikum, with the goal of repeating and reactivating the knowledge gained during the learning scenario 2p (2p – it is highly related to your lesson content and is based on your learning outcomes; 1p – it is modreately related to your learning scenario and lesson content).
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