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Week 3 Task 3

Tere, sõbrad!


The topic of this week is still food.

Please practice the vocabulary and learn some grammar issues in Keeleklikk:

4.3.1–4.3.20 and 4.3.24–4.3.26 Common phrases at the dining table

4.4.1–4.4.21 Ordering in the café

There are two parts of the tasks after that:

1) Pay attention what you eat (or what is written on it). Then press the green "Answer" button and write down everything you eat and drink during two days! And please stop your diet, eat a lot!  :) 

Your answer could be like this:

Laupäev: maasikad, šampus, šokolaaditort, heeringas, ananassimahl, kana riisiga, suur hele õlu, …

OR you can (YES, YOU CAN!) take some challenge and make some beautiful sentences by using the right form (the III form which you can check up at the page OR OR in the last one you may also hear the three forms).

So your answer could be something like that: 

Pühapäeva hommikul söön kaks leiba ja neli tomatit ja joon teed. Pühapäeva päeval söön pannkooki moosiga. Pühapäeva õhtul joon veini ja söön kalamarja...

2) Write also some stereotypes about what do you think Estonians eat and what people in your homecountry eat. So answer the questions:

Mida eestlased söövad?

Mida ............. söövad?

(NB! The plural of the nationalities is -lased if the singular ending was -lane)


Järgmisel nädalal näeme ja avame restorani! ;-)

Head nädalavahetust!


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