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Week 4 Task 4

Tere, the topic of this week is Family.

Please study unit 5 (lessons 5.1.1–5.4.25) in Keeleklikk (

NB! There are four lessons in it, please don´t try to do them during one evening.

You will learn there the vocabulary of family members and professions; you will repeat countries and nationalities; you will learn how to say how old you are and how to talk about one´s family.

You could also do the test (5.5.1) to check how good you´ve completed the unit.


If you have done the Keeleklikk exercises your task is to write me about your family. It could be a nice text and cover the questions below OR it could also be simple answers to the questions below if creating a text seems too challenging for you. You could add some pictures (Insert Image), too! If you don´t feel like writing about your real family you could use your imagination and pick yourself a new family and write about this family.


You could start like this:


Tere, Marju!

 Kirjutan sulle oma perest...



1.    Milline su perekond on? Kas suur või väike? (What is your family like? Is it big or small?)

2.    Mitu õde ja venda sul on? (How many sisters and brothers do you have?)

3.    Kus su perekond elab? (Where does your family live?)

4.    Mis su ema/isa/venna/õe nimi on? (What is your mother´s/father´s/brother´s/sister´s name?)

5.    Kes su ema/isa/vend/õde on? Kus nad töötavad? (What/Where are your mother/father/brother/sister working?)

6.    Kui vana su ema/isa/vend/õde on? (How old is your mother/father/brother/sister?)

7.    Kas sul on vanaema ja vanaisa? (Do you have a grandmother and grandfather?)

8.    Kus su vanaema ja vanaisa elavad? (Where do your grandmother and grandfather live?)

9.    Kui vana su vanaema/vanaisa on? (How old is your grandmother and grandfather?)

10.  Mitu tädi ja onu sul on? (How many aunts and uncles do you have?)


Hopefully you won´t get too homesick!



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