Learning professional slides (Maarja, Ayzhana, Latifat)


Claudette Ngond...

Submitted by Claudette Ngond... on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 12:27

I am very impressed with your work especially going out of the box to other articles to make the presentation easy to understand. Content knowledge was well understood with clear outcomes. the learning process was great with the various tasks and in class exercises you presented. the learning was also very engaging and involving all so as to achieve the outcome. The presenters too had good communication skills which made learning clear. The politeness and humility of the teachers made me interested in the lesson. Also the smiles and fun created in between the lesson was relieving.
There was something lacking which i think should be well planned and thought of in the subsequent tasks which is time management. share different parts of the lesson according to a time frame and try to follow the time frame so as to meet up with the lesson of the day.
In all i enjoyed the lesson.