Kontakttund - 13. aprill
Tunni teemad: Algata
Tunni teemad: Algata
Metoodiline materjal on pdf-formaadis. Seda saab avada siit
AINULT KAUGÕPPELE - PÄEVAÕPET SEE EI PUUDUTA Anna hinnang oma praktikale lähtudes alljärgnevatest punktidest: kuidas sind praktikabaasis vastu võeti; kuidas võimaldati praktika ...
Tere, sõbrad! Please do the last task and give me feedback about the course. The questionnaire is here:
The aim of the week is to learn how to speak about your home/room. You´ll need some vocabulary and grammar for this. So at first please learn some vocabulary in Keeleklikk (
Tere, the topic of this week is Family. Please study unit 5 (lessons 5.1.1–5.4.25) in Keeleklikk (www.ke...
Tere, sõbrad! The topic of this week is still food. Please practice the vocabulary and learn some grammar issues in Keeleklikk: 4.3.1–4.3.20 and 4.3.24–4.3.26 Commo...
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