Tähelepanu! eDidaktikum lõpetab teenuse pakkumise juulis 2025. Täpsem info siin

This is the first part of a peer task that runs through the course. First, select a peer student with whom you are going to work together. Then identify one of the instructional technology categories for further study (you cannot change it later): 

  • Computer-Based Instruction
  • Computer-Assisted Instruction
  • Computers-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Interactive Learning Environments
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Microworlds
  • Learning games
  • Electronic Performance Support Systems
  • Microlearning
  • MOOC: Massive Open Online Learning

Your first task is to write an overview of this category: its history, the main authors and examples, the main sub-types and components

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