Tähelepanu! eDidaktikum lõpetab teenuse pakkumise juulis 2025. Täpsem info siin

KAM7504.HR Teaching Profession and Professional Development 2019


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At the end of the course, a successful learner will: 1. be able to conceptualize the teaching profession through teacher professional development and teacher leadership as multifaceted matters relating to school and school development; 2. be able to analyze the ways in which a school community supports teacher leadership and fosters teacher professional development using theoretical knowledge and evidence -based practices; 3. be familiar and bring examples of practices and tools for teacher professional development and leadership.


Teachers’; professionalism. Professional learning communities, communities of practice. Teachers’ professional development. The teacher leadership. Teachers’ collaboration. Workplace-based learning. Teacher as researcher, how to develop new teaching practices, evidence based teaching-learning.