Artiklid seminaris esitlemiseks

1. A. V. Kelly (2009) 1. peatükk: The curriculum and the study of the curriculum. Kelly (2009) The curriculum. Theory and practice. 6th edition. Los Angeles: Sage.

Leiate veebist:

2. Erss, M. (2017). Curriculum as a political and cultural framework defining teachers’ roles and autonomy. In T. Autio, L. Hakala & T. Kujala (Eds). Opetussuunitelmatutkimus – keskustelunavauksia suomalaiseen kouluun ja opettajankoulutukseen. Tampere University Press.

3. Ian Westbury (2002): Didaktik and Curriculum Studies.  In Gundem, B.  B. & Hopmann, S. (Eds.) (2002) Didaktik and/or Curriculum. An International Dialogue. New York: Peter Lang.

4. Hilda Taba (San Francisco State College): Curriculum Development. Theory and Practice. 1962. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. 1 .peatükk

5. Tyler, R. (2013, orig.1969) Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. Flinders, D. J. & Thornton, S. J. (Toim.) Curriculum studies reader.  New York: Routledge.

6. Gert Biesta, Mark Priestley & Sarah Robinson (2015) The role of beliefs in teacher agency, Teachers and Teaching, 21:6, 624-640.

7. Maria Erss (2018): ‘Complete freedom to choose within limits’ – teachers’ views of curricular autonomy, agency and control in Estonia, Finland and Germany, The Curriculum Journal.

8. Dewey, J. (2013, orig. 1897). My pedagogic creed. Flinders, D. J. & Thornton, S. J. (Toim.) Curriculum studies reader.  New York: Routledge.

9. Hopmann, S. T. (2003). On the evaluation of curriculum reforms. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(4), 459-478.

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