Tähelepanu! eDidaktikum lõpetab teenuse pakkumise juulis 2025. Täpsem info siin


Iseseisev töö

Leia vastused küsimustele: (vastused kirjuta Wordi faili ja esita Moodle keskkonda)! Mis on meedia? Mis roll on meedial ühiskonnas? Mis on meedia...


Development of the learning resource

Please use the "learning resources" functionality in group page and add new learning resource which is relevant for the course topic. The learning material could be something prepared by yourself or some existing material that is located outside o...


Course reflection

Think a moment to the course that you have just passed and which introduced the basic foundations of the educational technology.    Please reflect: 1. What did you learn in that course? What was the most interesting piece of...
